Σήμερα βιώνουμε στην Ελλάδα μια μοναδική για τα ευρωπαϊκά δεδομένα ενορχηστρωμένη επίθεση κατά του έθνους, τόσο σε θεωρητικό όσο σε πολιτικό επίπεδο.
Εν τούτοις με την απόλυτη συνεργία των.....
....η πολυπολιτισμικότητα συγκρούεται με την ουσία της δημοκρατίας καθώς η τελευταία, ως πολιτικό σύστημα, πρέπει να στηρίζεται σε μία αμοιβαία εμπιστοσύνη και αλληλεγγύη μεταξύ των πολιτών και στην αίσθηση αυτών περί ενός κοινού οράματος και κοινών ηθικών υποχρεώσεων.
Prof Parekh, author of "Rethinking Multiculturalism", said with commendable honesty that "the multicultural movement ..... has so far failed to throw up a coherent philosophical statement of its central principles". It is good to see a sociologist aware of the need for "central principles" or "general theories": second nature to physicists and chemists.
To help plug this gap, the remaining paragraphs of this site are an attempt to set out the "central principles" of multiculturalism, or rather the absurdity of multiculturalism. Numbers refer to relevant sections above.
2. Over the last three hundred years or so, technology has brought a million fold improvement in access to culture, both native and foreign culture. The average person now has instant access to a million pieces of music played by the World's top musicians, a million books, several billion web sites, a hundred different plays, documentaries etc every night on television, and so on. Compared to this, multiculturalism is irrelevant.
3. The word "diversity" as an euphemism for multicultural is devious alteration to the English language. Its main purpose is as a semi technical sounding word designed to impress.
4. When two or more cultures merge, the enrichment that takes place tends to be temporary because human memories are limited. For example the average person uses around five thousand words, thus merging two languages will ultimately lead to a new hybrid language, which has no more words that the two originals: five thousand. The new hybrid culture may or may not be an improvement on the originals - depending on the extent to which the hybrid adopts the best of the two originals. Even if the hybrid is an improvement, it is debatable as to whether the World as a whole has been culturally enriched, since one or more cultures have been lost in order to create the hybrid.
6. Worthwhile or valuable culture travels on its own, that is without the need for migrants. Thus the culture that comes with migrants is low grade culture. In other words multicultural culture is low grade culture.
7. The advocates of multiculturalism have learned from Goebbles's dictum: "Never tell a small lie."
8. One of the fundamental ideas behind multiculturalism is that physical proximity to members of another culture is needed to learn from them. This is unmitigated nonsense: even the advocates of multiculturalism dont make this claim in respect of types of culture other than multicultural culture.
9. The idea that no culture is better than any other culture is a strange one: migrants obviously don’t agree with this.
10. Cultures are as likely to adopt each other's worst aspects as to adopt each other's best aspects.
12. The popular claim that multiculturalism makes us "vibrant" and "dynamic" is not supported by history or the evidence generally. There are plenty of examples of racially pure, yet successful countries.
20 & 22. There is a wealth of evidence that the advocates of multiculturalism do not really believe in it: they advocate it because it is fashionable or politically correct. For example Western advocates of multiculturalism advocate it for the West, but are indifferent to the gross lack of multiculturalism in various large Asian countries. They claim to be concerned about culture, but gloss over the fact that technology has given us a vastly greater access to culture than multiculturalism.(2)
21. Multiculturalists tend to believe that new = good. That combined with their tendency to see the short term but not the long term makes multiculturalists a banal, naοve bunch of folk.
25. The self contradictions by multiculturalists make it difficult to know what the central merits of multiculturalism are supposed to be.
26. Ethnic cuisine is much the largest cultural effect of post WWII immigrants to the UK. Quantifying this is difficult, but if one goes on the purely economic effects, the economic benefits of ethnic cuisine are a total irrelevance compared to another piece of cultural transfer: the adoption of Western technology by China and India. Moreover, the latter occurs largely without multiculturalism, that is, without migration from Europe or the US to China or India.
28. The most vociferous advocates of multiculturalism are society's loudmouths: journalists and politicians. In contrast, academics are relatively non-committal on the subject.
29. The claim by multiculturalists that the variety of clothing introduced to the country by immigrants represents some sort of benefit is suspicious: they never mourned the loss of the bowler hat or the Northern working man's cloth cap.
30. We are often told that "every country is multicultural now". This is nonsense in the case of China and to a lesser extent Japan and India.
Ultimate conclusion: The claims made for multiculturalism do not stand inspection. Multiculturalism is an irrelevance.